Sustainability & Resilience
At Mead & Hunt, we’re focused on not only reducing our negative impact, but also positively influencing the world around us. Sustainability and resilience are therefore core tenets of our business. Sustainability reflects the need to balance development requirements with environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and financial considerations. Resilience can be defined as the ability to prepare for, adapt to and bounce back from disruption. When it comes to infrastructure solutions, we work to consider both concepts through planning, design and construction.
As professional engineers, planners, and architects, it is our responsibility to plan for the future. We work with our clients to provide resilient, responsible solutions that will better our communities for generations to come.
Climate-resilient infrastructure is a necessity. Our skilled team can help you assess risk and increase resiliency in your project, utilizing risk, resilience, and vulnerability assessments.
Through climate action planning, emissions inventories, and implementation and reduction strategies, we pride ourselves on developing climate-responsible solutions. Incorporating relevant scientific data, we work with clients to mitigate risks associated with a changing climate.
Concerns about changing hydrologic conditions have caused an increased interest in reducing flood risk and improving flood resilience. Our experienced team uses a suite of strategies to overcome this, including traditional “grey infrastructure” and natural and nature-based solutions.
Our team performs energy modeling, energy audits, renewable energy planning, and electrification studies and planning for existing and new facilities.
Our team provides embodied carbon analysis and specification consulting to minimize the embodied carbon of materials as well as daylight analysis to improve natural lighting performance to maximize natural light and minimize potential for glare.
Green building practices and rating systems are important to the long term sustainability of our built environment, and are not going away any time soon. We have experience designing facilities and infrastructure to a variety of rating systems, including LEED, WELL, FitWel, Green Globes, Core, net zero energy, net zero carbon, and Envision.
Green infrastructure is vital to long term resilience. We remain at the forefront of this evolution, providing bio-retention (rain garden) design, Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI), street design, pervious pavement design, and Low Impact Development (LID) site design.
Our exceptional team of experienced funding professionals can provide return on investment calculations, and grants and funding management. We strive to make the funding process as seamless as possible, and provide the highest level of care, concern, and service.
Our team has been at the forefront of providing sustainability services, spearheading practices to reduce environmental impacts, realize cost savings, increase social justice, improve efficiency and work toward energy independence. From waste diversion and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions to life cycle costs assessments, embodied carbon analysis, and stakeholder programs, we are experienced in developing sustainable solutions.
Minimizing resource consumption and diverting material from landfill disposal are major factors in reducing carbon and methane emissions and the other social, environmental, and financial impacts of waste. Our exceptional waste planning team is dedicated to designing tailored strategies to address varied waste streams in alignment with the Zero Waste Hierarchy of Highest and Best Use and Total Resource Use and Efficiency (TRUE) Zero Waste certification program.