The SH 78 Bridge over the Red River is located on the Oklahoma-Texas border. Constructed between 1937 and 1938, the bridge is classified as a rural major collector. The bridge is a 12-span structure consisting of eight 210-foot-long riveted steel K-truss through spans, with two 100-foot-long riveted steel camelback pony truss spans at each end. As established by the Programmatic Section 4(f) Evaluation for Historic Bridges, a limited number of avoidance alternatives must be evaluated before the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) can approve an action that uses a historic bridge. Mead & Hunt prepared a report to present the alternatives analysis to FHWA and the ODOT to determine and approve the final action for this historic bridge.
Alternatives Analysis for SH 78 Bridge over Red River
- CLIENT: Federal Highway Administration & Oklahoma Department of Transportation
- LOCATION: Bryan County, OK and Fannin County, TX