This urban stormwater project reduces nutrient loading for the Indian River Lagoon, a designated Estuary of National Significance. The improved causeway treats stormwater from an 8.34-acre watershed by using Low-Impact Design best management practices. They include native landscape bioswales/tree filters, underground exfiltration and pervious pavement. The design further reduced the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus entering the groundwater through use of absorptive media located at the base of each tree well.
During and after the bidding process, our team recommended value engineered changes to enhance the project and reduce cost. After construction began, the City of Cocoa asked for replacement of its water mains in the project’s five-block area. We prepared the design and permitted the main replacement to accommodate the request.
The corridor runs east to west along the Atlantic coastal barrier island. We reconstructed the causeway one block at a time, allowing continued access to businesses. Streetscape improvements add aesthetic value and traffic calming measures increase safety. Visitor traffic and new business openings increased after completion of the upgraded roadway in the popular tourism district.
The Minutemen Causeway stormwater project reduces nutrient loading for the Indian River Lagoon. The improvements also added aesthetic value to the corridor, resulting in increased economic development.