ACC’s Runway Incursion Mitigation and Airfield Geometry Design Virtual Workshop will cover the FAA’s Runway Incursion Mitigation (RIM) Program and how it relates to airfield geometry. Participants will receive an overview of the RIM program, from how it started, the progress that has been made, and where it’s going through 2030 and beyond. This workshop will present real life examples of comprehensive taxiway studies completed through the lens of the RIM program. Participants will receive a deep dive into airfield geometry including taxiway and taxilane standards. Instructors will also discuss safety and object free areas to better understand the implementation of common geometry changes associated with incursion mitigation. Lastly, participants will participate in breakout sessions to review a historical airfield for runway incursion hot spots and geometry concerns in order to discuss potential short- and long-term mitigating measures.
This event will be moderated by Krista Hager, PE, a Mead & Hunt Senior Aviation Engineer and Project Manager.